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PMAKE User Commands PMAKE
pmake - create programs in parallel
ppmmaakkee [--bb] [--dd _w_h_a_t] [--ff _m_a_k_e_f_i_l_e] [--hh] [--ii] [--kk] [--ll] [--nn]
[--pp #] [--qq] [--rr] [--ss] [--tt] [--vv] [--xx] [--BB] [--CC] [--DD
_v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e] [--II _d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y] [--JJ #] [--LL #] [--MM] [--PP] [--RR]
[--VV] [--WW] [--XX] [_V_A_R_1==_v_a_l_u_e_1] [_V_A_R_2==_v_a_l_u_e_2......] [_t_a_r_g_1]
[_t_a_r_g_2 ...]
-b ``Background'' -- run all remote
processes at low priority. See
also the .BACKGROUND attribute.
-d _w_h_a_t Specify what modules should print
debugging information. _w_h_a_t is a
string of letters from the fol-
lowing set: aa (archives), cc (con-
ditionals), dd (directory search-
ing), jj (jobs), mm (make), pp
(parsing), rr (remote), ss (suf-
fixes), tt (targets), vv (vari-
ables). Use --dd jjrr to find out
what host each job is run on.
-f _m_a_k_e_f_i_l_e Specify a different makefile to
read than the standard
``Makefile'' or ``makefile''. If
_m_a_k_e_f_i_l_e is "-", reads from stan-
dard input.
-h Prints out help information.
-i ``Ignore errors'' -- ignore non-
zero exit statuses of commands.
-k ``Keepgoing'' -- if an error is
encountered, keep working on
those parts of the input graph
that are not affected by the
-l PMake has the ability to lock a
directory against other people
executing it in the same direc-
tory (by means of a file called
``LOCK.make'' that it creates and
checks for in the directory).
This is a Good Thing because two
people doing the same thing in
Sprite v.1.0 4 February 1991 1
PMAKE User Commands PMAKE
the same place can be disastrous
for the final product (too many
cooks and all that). Whether
this locking is the default is up
to your system administrator. If
locking is on, --ll will turn it
off, and vice versa. Note that
this locking will not prevent _y_o_u
from invoking PMake twice in the
same place -- if you own the lock
file, PMake will warn you about
it but continue to execute.
-n ``No execute'' -- do not execute
commands. Just print the ones
that would be executed.
-p # Tell _P_M_a_k_e if and when to print
the input graph. The number is
the bitwise OR of the numbers 1
and 2 with 1 meaning to print the
graph before making anything and
2 meaning to print the graph
after making everything. If no
number is given, it defaults to
-q ``Query'' -- do not execute any
commands. Just exit 0 if the
given target(s) is (are) up to
date and exit non-zero otherwise.
-r ``Remove built-in rules'' -- do
not parse the built-in rules
given in the system makefile.
-s ``Silence'' -- do not echo com-
mands as they are executed.
-t ``Touch targets'' -- rather than
executing the commands to create
a target, just change its modifi-
cation time so it appears up-to-
date. This is dangerous.
-v ``System V'' -- invokes compati-
bility functions suitable for
acting like the System V version
of Make. This implies
-x ``Export judiciously -- run com-
mands locally in preference to
Sprite v.1.0 4 February 1991 2
PMAKE User Commands PMAKE
running them remotely. By
default, PMake will only run
locally if there are more com-
mands to execute than idle hosts
available; with this option,
PMake will run one command
locally and export additional
commands to available hosts. --BB
,, and --VV and turns off directory
locking. Locking may be turned
back on again by giving the --ll
flag after --vv ..
-B ``Backwards-compatible'' -- per-
forms as much like Make as possi-
ble (including executing a single
shell per command and expanding
variables as Make did) while
still performing in parallel.
-C ``Non-compatible'' -- turns off
all compatibility specified up to
the point at which --CC is encoun-
-D _v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e Defines the given variable to be
11 in the global context.
-I _d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y Specify another directory in
which to look for #include'd
makefiles. This flag may be
repeated as many times as neces-
-J # Specify the maximum number of
jobs to run at once on all
-L # Specify the maximum number of
jobs to run locally.
-M Be as much like Make as possible.
No parallel execution. Old-style
variable expansion. One shell per
command. Etc.
-P ``Don't use Pipes'' -- see the
section on
-R ``Remigrate verbosely'' --
announce when processes are remi-
grated subsequent to eviction.
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PMAKE User Commands PMAKE
-V ``Do old-style variable expan-
sion'' -- expands an unknown
variable to the empty string.
-W Don't print warning messages.
-X ``No Export'' -- prohibits expor-
VAR=value Set the value of the variable VVAARR
to the given value. This super-
cedes any value assigned to the
variable in the makefile. See
_P_M_a_k_e is a program designed to make the maintenance of other
programs much easier. Its input is a ``makefile'' that
specifies which files depend on which other files and what
to do about files that are ``out-of-date.'' If you don't
specify a makefile to read, MMaakkeeffiillee and mmaakkeeffiillee, in that
order, are looked for and read if they exist.
This manual page is meant to be a reference page only. For a
more thorough description of _P_M_a_k_e, please refer to _P_M_a_k_e --
_A _T_u_t_o_r_i_a_l(available in this distribution).
There are four basic types of lines in a makefile:
1) File dependency specifications
2) Creation commands
3) Variable assignments
4) Comments, include statements and conditional
Any line may be continued over multiple lines by ending it
with a backslash. The backslash, following newline and any
initial whitespace on the following line are compressed into
a single space.
On a dependency line, there are targets, sources and an
operator. The targets ``depend'' on the sources and are
usually created from them. Any number of targets and
sources may be specified on a dependency line. All the tar-
gets in the line are made to depend on all the sources. If
you run out of room, use a backslash at the end of the line
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PMAKE User Commands PMAKE
to continue onto the next one.
Any file may be a target and any file may be a source, but
the relationship between them is determined by the ``opera-
tor'' that separates them. Three operators are defined:
: A target on the line is considered ``out-of-date''
if any of its sources has been modified more
recently than the target. Sources for a target
accumulate over lines when this operator is used.
! Targets will always be re-created, but this will
not happen until all of its sources have been
examined and re-created, if necessary. Sources
accumulate over lines as for the colon.
:: Much like the colon, but acts like the ! operator
if no sources are specified. In addition sources
do not accumulate over lines. Rather, the commands
associated with the line (see below) are executed
only if the target is out-of-date with respect to
the sources on that line only. In addition, the
target will not be removed if _P_M_a_k_e is inter-
rupted, unlike for the other two operators.
For example:
a : a.o b.o c.o
b ! d.o e.o
c :: f.o
a : g.o
b ! h.o
c ::
specifies that a depends on a.o, b.o, c.o and g.o and will
be remade only if out-of-date with respect to these four
files. b depends on d.o, e.o and h.o and will always be
remade, but only after these three files have been remade. c
will be remade with command1 if it is out-of-date with
respect to f.o, as for the colon operator, while command2
will always be executed.
Targets and sources may also contain standard shell wildcard
characters (?, *, [ and {}), but the ?, *, [ and ] charac-
ters may only be used in the final component of the target
or source. If a target or source contains only curly braces
and no other wildcard characters, it need not describe an
existing file. Otherwise, only existing files will be used.
E.g. the pattern
will expand to
a.o b.o c.o
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PMAKE User Commands PMAKE
regardless of whether these three files exist, while
will only expand to this if all three files exist. The
resulting expansion is in directory order, not alphabeti-
cally sorted as in the shell.
Each target has associated with it a sort of shell script
made up of a series of shell commands. The creation script
for a target should immediately follow the dependency line
for that target. Each of the commands in this script _m_u_s_t
be preceded by a tab character.
While any given target may appear on more than one depen-
dency line, only one of these dependency lines may be fol-
lowed by a creation script, unless the "::" operator is
One helpful feature of _P_M_a_k_e is the ability to squirrel away
commands for a target to be executed when everything else
has been done. To do this, make one of the commands for the
target be just ``...'' (an ellipsis) on a line by itself.
The ellipsis itself won't be executed, of course, but any
commands in the target's script that follow the ellipsis
will be saved until _P_M_a_k_e is done processing everything it
needs to process. If you were to say,
a.o : a.c
cc -c a.c
@echo "All done"
Then the command ``echo "All done"'' would execute once
everything else had finished. Note that this will only hap-
pen if ``a.o'' is found to be out-of-date.
There is another way in which makefile shell commands differ
from regular shell commands, as illustrated in the above
makefile scrap. The first two characters after the initial
tab (and any other whitespace) are treated specially. If
they are any combination of `@' and `-', (``@'', ``@-'',
``-@'' or ``-''), they cause _P_M_a_k_e to do different things.
In most cases, shell commands are printed to the screen
before they're actually executed. This is to keep you
informed of what's going on. If an `@' appears, however,
this echoing is suppressed. In the case of the echo command,
above, this makes sense. It would look silly to see
echo "All done"
All done
so _P_M_a_k_e allows you to avoid that (this sort of echo control
is only available if you use the Bourne or C shells to exe-
cute your commands, since the commands are echoed by the
shell, not by _P_M_a_k_e).
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PMAKE User Commands PMAKE
The other special character is the `-'. Shell commands exit
with a certain ``exit status.'' Normally this status will
be 0 if everything went ok and non-zero if something went
wrong. For this reason, _P_M_a_k_e will consider an error to have
occurred if one of the commands it invokes returns a non-
zero status. When it detects an error, its usual action is
to stop working, wait for everything in process to finish,
and exit with a non-zero status itself. This behavior can
be altered, however, by means of --ii or --kk arguments, or by
placing a `-' at the front of the command. (Another quick
note: the decision of whether to abort a target when one of
its shell commands returns non-zero is left to the shell
that is executing the commands. Some shells allow this
``error-checking'' to be switched on and off at will while
others do not.)
_P_M_a_k_e has the ability to save text in variables to be
recalled later at your convenience. Variables in _P_M_a_k_e are
used much like variables in _s_h(1) and, by tradition, consist
of all upper-case letters. They are assigned- and
appended-to using lines of the form
_V_A_R_I_A_B_L_E == _v_a_l_u_e
_V_A_R_I_A_B_L_E ++== _v_a_l_u_e
respectively, while being conditionally assigned-to (if not
already defined) and assigned-to with expansion by lines of
the form
_V_A_R_I_A_B_L_E ??== _v_a_l_u_e
_V_A_R_I_A_B_L_E ::== _v_a_l_u_e
_V_A_R_I_A_B_L_E !!== _c_o_m_m_a_n_d
will execute _c_o_m_m_a_n_d using the Bourne shell and place the
result in the given variable. Newlines are converted to
spaces before the assignment is made. This is not intended
to be used with commands that produce a large amount of out-
put. If you use it this way, it will probably deadlock.
Variables are expanded by enclosing the variable name in
either parentheses or curly braces and preceding the whole
thing with a dollar sign. E.g. to set the variable CCFFLLAAGGSS
to the string ``-I/sprite/src/lib/libc -O'' you would place
a line
CFLAGS = -I/sprite/src/lib/libc -O
in the makefile and use the word $$((CCFFLLAAGGSS)) wherever you
would like the string ``-I/sprite/src/lib/libc -O'' to
appear. To pass a string of the form ``$(_n_a_m_e)'' or
``${_n_a_m_e}'' through to the shell (e.g. to tell it to substi-
tute one of its variables), you can use ``$$(_n_a_m_e)'' and
``$${_n_a_m_e}'', respectively, or, as long as the _n_a_m_e is not a
_P_M_a_k_e variable, you can just place the string in directly,
as _P_M_a_k_e will not expand a variable it doesn't know, unless
it is given one of the three compatibility flags --VV, --BB, or
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PMAKE User Commands PMAKE
There are two distinct times at which variable substitution
occurs: When parsing a dependency line, such substitution
occurs immediately upon reading the line. Thus all vari-
ables used in dependency lines must be defined before they
appear on any dependency line. For variables that appear in
shell commands, variable substitution occurs when the com-
mand is processed, i.e. when it is prepared to be passed to
the shell or before being squirreled away for later execu-
tion (qv. CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS, above).
There are four different types of variables at which _P_M_a_k_e
will look when trying to expand any given variable. They
are (in order of decreasing precedence): (1) variables that
are defined specific to a certain target. These are the so-
called ``local'' variables and will only be used when per-
forming variable substitution on the target's shell script
and in dynamic sources (see below for more details), (2)
variables that were defined on the command line, (3) vari-
ables defined in the makefile and (4) those defined in
_P_M_a_k_e's environment, as passed by your login shell. An
important side effect of this searching order is that once
you define a variable on the command line, nothing in the
makefile can change it. _N_o_t_h_i_n_g.
As mentioned above, each target has associated with it as
many as seven ``local'' variables. Four of these variables
are always set for every target that must be re-created.
Each local variable has a long, meaningful name and a short,
one-character name that exists for backwards-compatibility.
They are:
@u-3p .TARGET (@)
The name of the target.
The list of sources for this target that were
deemed out-of-date.
The list of all sources for this target.
The file prefix of the file. This contains only
the file portion -- no suffix or leading directory
Three other ``local'' variables are set only for certain
targets under special circumstances. These are the
``.IMPSRC'', ``.ARCHIVE'' and ``.MEMBER'' variables. When
they are set, how they are used, and what their short forms
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PMAKE User Commands PMAKE
are are detailed in later sections.
In addition, for you System V fans, the six variables
``@F'', ``@D'', ``<F'', ``<D'', ``*F'', and ``*D'' are
defined to be the same as for the System V version of Make.
If you don't know about these things, be glad.
Four of these local variables may be used in sources on
dependency lines. The variables expand to the proper value
for each target on the line. The variables are ``.TARGET'',
``.PREFIX'', ``.ARCHIVE'', and ``.MEMBER''.
In addition, certain variables are set by or have special
meaning to _P_M_a_k_e. The ..PPMMAAKKEE (and MMAAKKEE) variable is set to
the name by which _P_M_a_k_e was invoked, to allow recursive
makes to use the same version, whatever it may be. All
command-line flags given to _P_M_a_k_e are stored in the
..MMAAKKEEFFLLAAGGSS (and MMFFLLAAGGSS) variable just as they were given.
This variable is also exported to subshells as the PPMMAAKKEE
environment variable.
Variable expansion may be modified as for the C shell. A
general expansion specification looks like:
Each modifier begins with a single character, thus:
This is used to select only those words (a word is
a series of characters that are neither spaces nor
tabs) that match the given _p_a_t_t_e_r_n . The pattern
is a wildcard pattern like that used by the shell,
where "*" means 0 or more characters of any sort;
"?" is any single character; "[abcd]" matches any
single character that is either `a', `b', `c' or
`d' (there may be any number of characters between
the brackets); [[00--99]] matches any single character
that is between `0' and `9' (i.e. any digit. This
form may be freely mixed with the other bracket
form), and \ is used to escape any of the charac-
ters "*", "?", "[" or ":", leaving them as regular
characters to match themselves in a word.
This is identical to ":M" except it substitutes
all words that don't match the given pattern.
Causes the first occurrence of _s_e_a_r_c_h-_s_t_r_i_n_g in
the variable to be replaced by _r_e_p_l_a_c_e_m_e_n_t-_s_t_r_i_n_g
, unless the "g" flag is given at the end, in
which case all occurrences of the string are
replaced. The substitution is performed on each
Sprite v.1.0 4 February 1991 9
PMAKE User Commands PMAKE
word in the variable in turn. If _s_e_a_r_c_h-_s_t_r_i_n_g
begins with a "^", the string must match starting
at the beginning of the word. If _s_e_a_r_c_h-_s_t_r_i_n_g
ends with a "$", the string must match to the end
of the word (these two may be combined to force an
exact match). If a backslash precedes these two
characters, however, they lose their special mean-
ing. Variable expansion also occurs in the normal
fashion inside both the _s_e_a_r_c_h-_s_t_r_i_n_g and the
_r_e_p_l_a_c_e_m_e_n_t-_s_t_r_i_n_g , eexxcceepptt that a backslash is
used to prevent the expansion of a "$", not
another dollar sign, as is usual. Note that
_s_e_a_r_c_h-_s_t_r_i_n_g is just a string, not a pattern, so
none of the usual regular-expression/wildcard
characters has any special meaning save "^" and
"$". In the replacement string, the "&" character
is replaced by the _s_e_a_r_c_h-_s_t_r_i_n_g unless it is pre-
ceded by a backslash. You are allowed to use any
character except colon or exclamation point to
separate the two strings. This so-called delimiter
character may be placed in either string by
preceding it with a backslash.
T Replaces each word in the variable expansion by
its last component (its ``tail'').
H This is similar to ":T", except that every word is
replaced by everything but the tail (the
E ":E" replaces each word by its suffix (``exten-
R This replaces each word by everything but the suf-
fix (the ``root'' of the word).
In addition, PMake supports the System V form of substitu-
tion (_s_t_r_i_n_g_1=_s_t_r_i_n_g_2).
Makefile inclusion and conditional structures reminiscent of
the C compiler have also been included in _P_M_a_k_e.
Comments begin with a `#' anywhere but in a shell command
and continue to the end of the line. If the `#' comes at
the beginning of the line, however, the following keywords
are recognized and acted on:
iinncclluuddee ''''_m_a_k_e_f_i_l_e''''
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PMAKE User Commands PMAKE
iinncclluuddee <<_s_y_s_t_e_m _m_a_k_e_f_i_l_e>>
This is very similar to the C compiler's file-inclusion
facility, right down to the syntax. What follows the
##iinncclluuddee must be a filename enclosed either in double-quotes
or angle brackets. Variables will be expanded between the
double-quotes or angle-brackets. If angle-brackets are
used, the system makefile directory is searched. If the
name is enclosed in double-quotes, the including makefile's
directory, followed by all directories given via --II argu-
ments, followed by the system directory, is searched for a
file of the given name.
If the file is found, _P_M_a_k_e starts taking input from that
file as if it were part of the original makefile.
When the end of the file is reached, _P_M_a_k_e goes back to the
previous file and continues from where it left off. This
facility is recursive up to a depth limited only by the
number of open files allowed to any process at one time.
iiff [[!!]] _e_x_p_r [[ _o_p _e_x_p_r ...... ]]
iiffddeeff [[!!]] _v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e [[_o_p _v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e......]]
iiffnnddeeff [[!!]] _v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e [[_o_p _v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e......]]
iiffmmaakkee [[!!]] _t_a_r_g_e_t [[_o_p _t_a_r_g_e_t......]]
iiffnnmmaakkee [[!!]] _t_a_r_g_e_t [[_o_p _t_a_r_g_e_t......]]
These are all the beginnings of conditional constructs in
the spirit of the C compiler. Conditionals may be nested to
a depth of thirty.
In the expressions given above, _o_p may be either |||| (logical
OR) or &&&& (logical AND). &&&& has a higher precedence than
||||. As in C, _P_M_a_k_e will evaluate an expression only as far
as necessary to determine its value. I.e. if the left side
of an &&&& is false, the expression is false and vice versa
for ||||. Parentheses may be used as usual to change the
order of evaluation.
One other boolean operator is provided: !! (logical nega-
tion). It is of a higher precedence than either the AND or
OR operators, and may be applied in any of the ``if'' con-
structs, negating the given function for ``#if'' or the
implicit function for the other four.
_E_x_p_r can be one of several things. Four functions are pro-
vided, each of which takes a different sort of argument.
Sprite v.1.0 4 February 1991 11
PMAKE User Commands PMAKE
The function ddeeffiinneedd is used to test for the existence of a
variable. Its argument is, therefore, a variable name.
Certain lower-case variable names (e.g. ``sun'', ``unix''
and ``sprite'') are defined in the system makefile (qv.
FFIILLEESS) to specify the sort of system on which _P_M_a_k_e is being
run. These are intended to make makefiles more portable.
Any variable may be used as the argument of the ddeeffiinneedd
The mmaakkee function is given the name of a target in the
makefile and evaluates to true if the target was given on
_P_M_a_k_e's command-line or as a source for the ..MMAAIINN target
before the line containing the conditional.
The eexxiissttss function takes a file name, which file is
searched for on the system search path (as defined by ..PPAATTHH
targets (see below)). It evaluates true if the file is
eemmppttyy takes a variable expansion specification (minus the
dollar sign) as its argument. If the resulting expansion is
empty, this evaluates true.
_E_x_p_r can also be an arithmetic or string comparison, with
the lefthand side being a variable expansion. The standard C
relational operators are allowed, and the usual number/base
conversion is performed, with the exception that octal
numbers are not supported. If the righthand side of a "=="
or "!=" operator begins with a quotation mark, a string com-
parison is done between the expanded variable and the text
between the quotation marks. If no relational operator is
given, it is assumed that the expanded variable is to be
compared against 0, i.e. it is interpreted as a boolean,
with a 0 value being false and a non-zero value being true.
When, in the course of evaluating one of these conditional
expressions, _P_M_a_k_e encounters some word it does not recog-
nize, it applies one of either _m_a_k_e or _d_e_f_i_n_e_d to it,
depending on the form of ``if'' used. E.g. ``#ifdef'' will
apply the _d_e_f_i_n_e_d function, while ``#ifnmake'' will apply
the negation of the _m_a_k_e function.
If the expression following one of these forms evaluates
true, the reading of the makefile continues as before. If it
evaluates false, the following lines are skipped. In both
cases, this continues until either an ##eellssee or an ##eennddiiff
line is encountered.
The #else, as in the C compiler, causes the sense of the
last conditional to be inverted and the reading of the
Sprite v.1.0 4 February 1991 12
PMAKE User Commands PMAKE
makefile to be based on this new value. I.e. if the previ-
ous expression evaluated true, the parsing of the makefile
is suspended until an #endif line is read. If the previous
expression evaluated false, the parsing of the makefile is
eelliiff [[!!]] _e_x_p_r [[ _o_p _e_x_p_r ...... ]]
eelliiffddeeff [[!!]] _v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e [[_o_p _v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e......]]
eelliiffnnddeeff [[!!]] _v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e [[_o_p _v_a_r_i_a_b_l_e......]]
eelliiffmmaakkee [[!!]] _t_a_r_g_e_t [[_o_p _t_a_r_g_e_t......]]
eelliiffnnmmaakkee [[!!]] _t_a_r_g_e_t [[_o_p _t_a_r_g_e_t......]]
The ``elif'' constructs are a combination of ``else'' and
``if,'' as the name implies. If the preceding ``if''
evaluated false, the expression following the ``elif'' is
evaluated and the lines following it are read or ignored the
same as for a regular ``if.'' If the preceding ``if''
evaluated true, however, the ``elif'' is ignored and all
following lines until the ``endif'' (see below) are ignored.
##eennddiiff is used to end a conditional section. If lines were
being skipped, the reading of the makefile resumes. Other-
wise, it has no effect (the makefile continues to be parsed
as it was just before the ##eennddiiff was encountered).
Takes the next word on the line as a global variable to be
undefined (only undefines global variables, not command-line
variables). If the variable is already undefined, no message
is generated.
In _P_M_a_k_e, files can have certain ``attributes.'' These
attributes cause _P_M_a_k_e to treat the targets in special ways.
An attribute is a special word given as a source to a target
on a dependency line. The words and their functions are
given below:
.BACKGROUND Forces the target to be run at low priority, to
keep it from preventing other higher-priority
processes from using idle hosts.
.DONTCARE If a target is marked with this attribute and
PMake can't figure out how to create it, it
will ignore this fact and assume the file isn't
Sprite v.1.0 4 February 1991 13
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really needed or actually exists and PMake just
can't find it.
.EXEC This causes the marked target's shell script to
always be executed (unless the --nn or --tt flag is
given), but appear invisible to any targets
that depend on it.
.EXPORT This is used to mark those targets whose crea-
tion should be sent to another machine if at
all possible. This may be used by some exporta-
tion schemes if the exportation is expensive.
You should ask your administrator if it is
.EXPORTSAME Tells the export system that the job should be
exported to a machine of the same architecture
as the current one. Certain operations (e.g.
running text through "nroff") can be performed
the same on any architecture (CPU and operating
system type), while others (e.g. compiling a
program with "cc") must be performed on a
machine with the same architecture. Not all
export systems will support this attribute.
.IGNORE Giving a target the ..IIGGNNOORREE attribute causes
PMake to ignore errors from any of the target's
commands, as if they all had `-' before them.
.INVISIBLE This allows you to specify one target as a
source for another without the one affecting
the other's local variables.
.JOIN This forces the target's shell script to be
executed only if one or more of the sources was
out-of-date. In addition, the target's name, in
both its ..TTAARRGGEETT variable and all the local
variables of any target that depends on it, is
replaced by the value of its ..AALLLLSSRRCC variable.
Another aspect of the .JOIN attribute is it
keeps the target from being created if the --tt
flag was given.
.MAKE The ..MMAAKKEE attribute marks its target as being a
recursive invocation of PMake. This forces
PMake to execute the script associated with the
target (if it's out-of-date) even if you gave
the --nn or --tt flag.
.NOEXPORT Forces the target to be created locally, even
if you've given _P_M_a_k_e the --LL 00 flag.
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.NOTMAIN Normally, if you do not specify a target to
make in any other way, _P_M_a_k_e will take the
first target on the first dependency line of a
makefile as the target to create. Giving a
target this attribute keeps it from this fate.
.PRECIOUS When PMake is interrupted, it will attempt to
clean up after itself by removing any half-made
targets. If a target has this attribute, how-
ever, _P_M_a_k_e will leave it alone
.SILENT Marking a target with this attribute keeps its
commands from being printed when they're exe-
.USE By giving a target this attribute, you turn the
target into _P_M_a_k_e's equivalent of a macro. When
the target is used as a source for another tar-
get, the other target acquires the commands,
sources and attributes (except ..UUSSEE) of the
source. If the target already has commands,
the ..UUSSEE target's commands are added to the
end. If more than one .USE-marked source is
given to a target, the rules are applied
As there were in Make, so there are certain targets that
have special meaning to PMake. When you use one on a depen-
dency line, it is the only target that may appear on the
left-hand-side of the operator. The targets are as follows:
.BACKGROUND applies the .BACKGROUND attribute to each of its
sources. If there are no sources on the depen-
dency line, then it is as if you gave PMake the
--bb flag.
.BEGIN Any commands attached to this target are exe-
cuted before anything else is done. You can use
it for any initialization that needs doing.
.DEFAULT This is sort of a .USE rule for any target (that
was used only as a source) that _P_M_a_k_e can't fig-
ure out any other way to create. Only the shell
script is used. The ..IIMMPPSSRRCC variable of a target
that inherits ..DDEEFFAAUULLTT ''ss commands is set to the
target's own name.
.END This serves a function similar to ..BBEEGGIINN: com-
mands attached to it are executed once every-
thing has been re-created (so long as no errors
occurred). It also serves the extra function of
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PMAKE User Commands PMAKE
being a place on which PMake can hang commands
you put off to the end. Thus the script for this
target will be executed before any of the com-
mands you save with the ``...''.
.EXPORT The sources for this target are passed to the
exportation system compiled into _P_M_a_k_e. Some
systems will use these sources to configure
themselves. You should ask your system adminis-
trator about this.
.IGNORE This target marks each of its sources with the
..IIGGNNOORREE attribute. If you don't give it any
sources, then it is like giving the --ii flag.
.INCLUDES The sources for this target are taken to be suf-
fixes that indicate a file that can be included
in a program source file. The suffix must have
already been declared with ..SSUUFFFFIIXXEESS (see
below). Any suffix so marked will have the
directories on its search path (see ..PPAATTHH ,,
below) placed in the ..IINNCCLLUUDDEESS variable, each
preceded by a --II flag. The ..hh suffix is already
marked in this way in the system makefile.
.INTERRUPT When PMake is interrupted, it will execute the
commands in the script for this target, if it
.LIBS This does for libraries what ..IINNCCLLUUDDEESS does for
include files, except the flag used is --LL, as
required by those linkers that allow you to tell
them where to find libraries. The variable used
.MAIN If you didn't give a target (or targets) to
create when you invoked PMake, it will take the
sources of this target as the targets to create.
.MAKEFLAGS This target provides a way for you to always
specify flags for PMake when the makefile is
used. The flags are just as they would be typed
to the shell, though the --ff and --rr flags have no
.NULL This allows you to specify what suffix _P_M_a_k_e
should pretend a file has if, in fact, it has no
known suffix. Only one suffix may be so desig-
nated. The last source on the dependency line is
the suffix that is used (you should, however,
only give one suffix...).
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PMAKE User Commands PMAKE
.PATH If you give sources for this target, PMake will
take them as directories to search for files it
cannot find in the current directory. If you
give no sources, it will clear out any direc-
tories added to the search path before.
.PATH_s_u_f_f_i_x This does a similar thing to ..PPAATTHH, but it does
it only for files with the given suffix. The
suffix must have been defined already.
.PRECIOUS Gives the ..PPRREECCIIOOUUSS attribute to each source on
the dependency line, unless there are no
sources, in which case the ..PPRREECCIIOOUUSS attribute
is given to every target in the file.
.RECURSIVE Applies the ..MMAAKKEE attribute to all its sources.
It does nothing if you don't give it any
.SHELL Tells _P_M_a_k_e to use some other shell than the
Bourne Shell. The sources for the target are
organized as _k_e_y_w_o_r_d==_v_a_l_u_e strings. If a _v_a_l_u_e
contains whitespace, it may be surrounded by
double-quotes to make it a single word. The pos-
sible sources are:
Tells where the shell actually resides. If
you specify this and nothing else, PMake
will use the last component of the path to
find the specification. Use this if you
just want to use a different version of the
Bourne or C Shell (PMake knows how to use
the C Shell too).
This is the name by which the shell is to
be known. It is a single word and, if no
other keywords are specified (other than
ppaatthh), it is the name by which PMake
attempts to find a specification for the
it. You can use this if you would just
rather use the C Shell than the Bourne
Shell (``..SSHHEELLLL:: nnaammee==ccsshh'' will do it).
qquuiieett==_e_c_h_o-_o_f_f _c_o_m_m_a_n_d
The command _P_M_a_k_e should send to stop the
shell from printing its commands. Once
echoing is off, it is expected to remain
off until explicitly turned on.
eecchhoo==_e_c_h_o-_o_n _c_o_m_m_a_n_d
Sprite v.1.0 4 February 1991 17
PMAKE User Commands PMAKE
The command PMake should give to turn echo-
ing back on again.
ffiilltteerr==_p_r_i_n_t_e_d _e_c_h_o-_o_f_f _c_o_m_m_a_n_d
Many shells will echo the echo-off command
when it is given. This keyword tells PMake
in what format the shell actually prints
the echo-off command. Wherever PMake sees
this string in the shell's output, it will
delete it and any following whitespace, up
to and including the next newline.
eecchhooFFllaagg==_f_l_a_g _t_o _t_u_r_n _e_c_h_o_i_n_g _o_n
The flag to pass to the shell to turn echo-
ing on at the start. If either this or the
next flag begins with a `-', the flags will
be passed to the shell as separate argu-
ments. Otherwise, the two will be con-
eerrrrFFllaagg==_f_l_a_g _t_o _t_u_r_n _e_r_r_o_r _c_h_e_c_k_i_n_g _o_n
Flag to give the shell to turn error check-
ing on at the start.
cchheecckk==_c_o_m_m_a_n_d _t_o _t_u_r_n _e_r_r_o_r _c_h_e_c_k_i_n_g _o_n
The command to make the shell check for
errors or to print the command that's about
to be executed (%s indicates where the com-
mand to print should go), if hasErrCtl is
iiggnnoorree==_c_o_m_m_a_n_d _t_o _t_u_r_n _e_r_r_o_r _c_h_e_c_k_i_n_g _o_f_f
The command to turn error checking off or
the command to execute a command ignoring
any errors. "%s" takes the place of the
hhaassEErrrrCCttll==_y_e_s _o_r _n_o
This takes a value that is either yyeess or
nnoo, telling how the "check" and "ignore"
commands should be used. NOTE: If this is
"no", both the check and ignore commands
should contain a \n at their end if the
shell requires a newline before executing a
The strings that follow these keywords may be
enclosed in single or double quotes (the quotes
will be stripped off) and may contain the usual
C backslash-characters.
.SILENT Applies the ..SSIILLEENNTT attribute to each of its
Sprite v.1.0 4 February 1991 18
PMAKE User Commands PMAKE
sources. If there are no sources on the depen-
dency line, then it is as if you gave PMake the
--ss flag.
.SUFFIXES This is used to give new file suffixes for PMake
to handle. Each source is a suffix PMake should
recognize. If you give a ..SSUUFFFFIIXXEESS dependency
line with no sources, PMake will forget about
all the suffixes it knew (this also nukes the
null suffix). For those targets that need to
have suffixes defined, this is how you do it.
In addition to these targets, a line of the form
_a_t_t_r_i_b_u_t_e : _s_o_u_r_c_e_s
applies the _a_t_t_r_i_b_u_t_e to all the targets listed as _s_o_u_r_c_e_s
except as noted above.
One of the best aspects of both _M_a_k_e and _P_M_a_k_e comes from
their understanding of how the suffix of a file pertains to
its contents and their ability to do things with a file
based solely on its suffix. _P_M_a_k_e also has the ability to
find a file based on its suffix, supporting different types
of files being in different directories. The former ability
derives from the existence of so-called transformation rules
while the latter comes from the specification of search
paths using the ..PPAATTHH target.
A special type of dependency, called a transformation rule,
consists of a target made of two known suffixes stuck
together followed by a shell script to transform a file of
one suffix into a file of the other. The first suffix is
the suffix of the source file and the second is that of the
target file. E.g. the target ``.c.o,'' followed by com-
mands, would define a transformation from files with the
``.c'' suffix to those with the ``.o'' suffix. A transfor-
mation rule has no source files associated with it, though
attributes may be given to one in the usual way. These
attributes are then applied to any target that is on the
``target end'' of a transformation rule. The suffixes that
are concatenated must be already known to _P_M_a_k_e in order for
their concatenation to be recognized as a transformation,
i.e. the suffixes must have been the source for a .SUFFIXES
target at some time before the transformation is defined.
Many transformations are defined in the system makefile (qv.
FFIILLEESS) and I refer you there for more examples as well as to
find what is already available (you should especially note
the various variables used to contain flags for the com-
pilers, assemblers, etc., used to transform the files. These
variables allow you to customize the transformations to your
Sprite v.1.0 4 February 1991 19
PMAKE User Commands PMAKE
own needs without having to redefine them). A transforma-
tion rule may be defined more than once, but only the last
such definition is remembered by _P_M_a_k_e. This allows you to
redefine the transformations in the system makefile if you
Transformation rules are used only when a target has no com-
mands associated with it, both to find any additional files
on which it depends and to attempt to figure out just how to
make the target should it end up being out-of-date. When a
transformation is found for a target, another of the seven
``local'' variables mentioned earlier is defined:
The name/path of the source from which the target
is to be transformed (the ``implied'' source).
For example, given the following makefile:
a.out : a.o b.o
$(CC) $(.ALLSRC)
and a directory containing the files a.o, a.c and b.c, _P_M_a_k_e
will look at the list of suffixes and transformations given
in the built-in rules and find that the suffixes ``.c'' and
``.o'' are both known and there is a transformation rule
defined from one to the other with the command ``$(CC)
$(CFLAGS) -c $(.IMPSRC).'' Having found this, it can then
check the modification times of both a.c and b.c and execute
the command from the transformation rule as necessary in
order to update the files a.o and b.o.
_P_M_a_k_e, unlike _M_a_k_e before it, has the ability to apply
several transformations to a file even if the intermediate
files do not exist. Given a directory containing a .o file
and a .q file, and transformations from .q to .l, .l to .c
and .c to .o, _P_M_a_k_e will define a transformation from .q ->
.o using the three transformation rules you defined. In the
event of two paths between the same suffixes, the shortest
path will be chosen between the target and the first exist-
ing file on the path. So if there were also a transforma-
tion from .l files to .o files, _P_M_a_k_e would use the path .q
-> .l -> .o instead of .q -> .l -> .c -> .o.
Once an existing file is found, _P_M_a_k_e will continue to look
at and record transformations until it comes to a file to
which nothing it knows of can be transformed, at which point
it will stop looking and use the path it has already found.
What happens if you have a .o file, a .q file and a .r file,
all with the same prefix, and transformations from .q -> .o
and .r -> .o? Which transformation will be used? _P_M_a_k_e
uses the order in which the suffixes were given on the ..SSUUFF--
FFIIXXEESS line to decide between transformations: whichever
Sprite v.1.0 4 February 1991 20
PMAKE User Commands PMAKE
suffix came first, wins. So if the three suffixes were
.SUFFIXES : .o .q .r
the .q -> .o transformation would be applied. Similarly, if
they were declared as
.SUFFIXES : .o .r .q
the .r -> .o transformation would be used. You should keep
this in mind when writing such rules. Note also that
because the placing of a suffix on a ..SSUUFFFFIIXXEESS line doesn't
alter the precedence of previously-defined transformations,
it is sometimes necessary to clear the whole lot of them out
and start from scratch. This is what the ..SSUUFFFFIIXXEESS-only
line, mentioned earlier, will do.
_P_M_a_k_e also supports the notion of multiple directories in a
more flexible, easily-used manner than has been available in
the past. You can define a list of directories in which to
search for any and all files that aren't in the current
directory by giving the directories as sources to the ..PPAATTHH
target. The search will only be conducted for those files
used only as sources, on the assumption that files used as
targets will be created in the current directory.
The line
would tell _P_M_a_k_e to look for any files it is seeking
(including ones made up by means of transformation rules) in
the RCS directory as well as the current one. Note, however,
that this searching is only done if the file is used only as
a source in the makefile. I.e. if the file cannot be created
by commands in the makefile.
A search path specific to files with a given suffix can also
be specified in much the same way.
.PATH.h : h /sprite/lib/include
causes the search for header files to be conducted in the h
and /sprite/lib/include directory as well as the current
When expanding wildcards, these paths are also used. If the
pattern has a recognizable suffix, the search path for that
suffix is used. Otherwise, the path defined with the regu-
lar ..PPAATTHH target is used.
When a file is found somewhere other than the current direc-
tory, its name is replaced by its full pathname in any
``local'' variables.
Two types of suffixes are given special attention when a
search path is defined for them. On most systems, the C com-
piler lets you specify where to find header files (.h files)
Sprite v.1.0 4 February 1991 21
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by means of --II flags similar to those used by _P_M_a_k_e. If a
search path is given for any suffix used as a source for the
..IINNCCLLUUDDEESS target, the variable $$((..IINNCCLLUUDDEESS)) will be set to
contain all the directories on the path, in the order given,
in a format which can be passed directly to the C compiler.
Similarly, on some systems, one may give directories to
search for libraries to the compiler by means of --LL flags.
Directories on the search path for a suffix which was the
source of the ..LLIIBBSS target will be placed in the $$((..LLIIBBSS))
variable ready to be passed to the compiler.
Two other special forms of sources are recognized by _P_M_a_k_e.
Any source that begins with the characters ``-l'' or ends in
a suffix that is a source for the ..LLIIBBSS target is assumed to
be a library, and any source that contains a left
parenthesis in it is considered to be a member (or members)
of an archive.
Libraries are treated specially mostly in how they appear in
the local variables of those targets that depend on them. If
the system supports the --LL flag when linking, the name of
the library (i.e. its ``-l'' form) is used in all local
variables. _P_M_a_k_e assumes that you will use the $(.LIBS)
variable in the appropriate place. If, however, the system
does not have this feature, the name is expanded to its full
pathname before it is placed in any local variable.
One problem with libraries is they have a table of contents
in them and when the file is touched (so the file's modifi-
cation time and the time listed in the table of contents
don't match), the library is declared to be ``out-of-date''
by the linker and the final linking stage of creating your
program fails miserably. To avoid this problem, when you use
the --tt flag, _P_M_a_k_e updates the time of the table of contents
for the library, as well as the library itself.
The process of creating a library or archive can be a pain-
ful one, what with all the members having to be kept outside
the archive as well as inside it in order to keep them from
being recreated. _P_M_a_k_e has been set up, however, to allow
you to reference files that are in an archive in a rela-
tively painless manner. The specification of an archive
member is written as:
_a_r_c_h_i_v_e(_m_e_m_b_e_r [_m_e_m_b_e_r...])
Both the open and close parenthesis are required and there
may be any number of members between them (except 0, that
is). Members may also include wildcards characters. When
such a source is examined, it is the modification time of
the member, as recorded in the archive, that is used to
determine its datedness.
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If an archive member has no commands associated with it,
_P_M_a_k_e goes through a special process to find commands for
it. First, implicit sources are sought using the ``member''
portion of the specification. So if you have something like
``libcompat.a(procFork.o)'' for a target, _P_M_a_k_e attempts to
find sources for the file ``procFork.o,'' even if it doesn't
exist. If such sources exist, _P_M_a_k_e then looks for a
transformation rule from the member's suffix to the
archive's (in this case from .o -> .a) and tacks those com-
mands on as well.
To make these transformations easier to write, three local
variables are defined for the target:
The path to the archive file.
The actual member name (literally the part in
@u-3p .TARGET (@)
The path to the file which will be archived, if it is
only a source, or the same as the ..MMEEMMBBEERR variable if
it is also a target.
Using the transformations already in the system makefile, a
makefile for a library might look something like this:
OBJS = procFork.o procExec.o procEnviron.o fsRead.o
.o.a :
rm -f $(.MEMBER)
lib.a : lib.a($(OBJS))
ar cru $(.TARGET) $(.OODATE)
ranlib $(.TARGET)
You might be wondering, at this point, why I did not define
the .o -> .a transformation like this:
.o.a :
ar r $(.ARCHIVE) $(.TARGET)
rm -f $(.TARGET)
The reason is simple: you cannot execute ``ar'' on the same
file several times at once. If you try, you end up with a
corrupted archive. So rather than reduce _P_M_a_k_e to executing
only one job at a time, I chose to archive all the out-of-
date files at once (this turns out to be faster anyway).
When creating targets in parallel, several shells are exe-
cuting at once, each wanting to write its own two cent's
Sprite v.1.0 4 February 1991 23
PMAKE User Commands PMAKE
worth onto the screen. This output must be captured by
_P_M_a_k_e in some way in order to prevent the screen from being
filled with garbage even more indecipherable than one can
already get from these programs. _P_M_a_k_e has two ways of
doing this, one of which provides for much cleaner output
and a clear delineation between the output of different
jobs, the other of which provides a more immediate response
so one can tell what is really happening. The former is
done by notifying the user when the creation of a given tar-
get starts, capturing the output, and transferring it to the
screen when the job finishes, preceded by an indication as
to which job produced the output. The latter is done by
catching the output of the shell (and its children) and
buffering it until an entire line is received, then printing
that line preceded by the name of the job from which the
line came. The name of the job is just the target which is
being created by it. Since I prefer this second method, it
is the one used by default. The first method will be used
if the --PP flag is given to _P_M_a_k_e.
As mentioned before, _P_M_a_k_e attempts to create several tar-
gets at once. On some systems where load balancing or pro-
cess migration is in effect, the amount of concurrency which
can be used will be much greater than on others. During the
development of _P_M_a_k_e, I found that while one could create up
to five targets at once on a Sun 3 without making the
machine unusable, attempting the same feat on a Sun 2 would
grind the machine into the dirt, most likely making the
whole process run slower than it would have under _M_a_k_e. In
addition, the use of _P_M_a_k_e on a multi-user machine (in con-
trast to a workstation) calls for judicious use of con-
currency to avoid annoying the other users. The ability to
execute tasks in parallel, in combination with the execution
of only one shell per target, brings about decreases in
creation time on the order of 25%-60%.
The --JJ and --LL flags are used to control the number of shells
executing at once and should be used to find the best level
for your machine. Once this is found, the default level can
be set at that point and _P_M_a_k_e recompiled.
_P_M_a_k_e was designed to be as backwards-compatible with _M_a_k_e
as possible. In spite of this, however, there are a few
major differences which may cause problems when using old
1) The variable substitution, as mentioned earlier, is
very different and will cause problems unless the
makefile is converted or the --VV flag is given.
Sprite v.1.0 4 February 1991 24
PMAKE User Commands PMAKE
2) Because targets are created in parallel, certain
sequences which depend on the sources of a target being
created sequentially will fail miserably. E.g.:
prod : $(PROGRAM) clean
This is liable to cause some of the object files to be
removed after having been created during the current
invocation (or, at the very least, the object files
will not be removed when the program has been made),
leading to errors in the final linking stage. This
problem cannot even be gotten around by limiting the
maximum concurrency to one, since the traversal of the
dependency graph is done in a breadth-first, rather
than a depth-first way. This can only be gotten around
by rewriting the makefile, or by invoking _P_M_a_k_e with
the --MM flag.
One other possible conflict arises because _P_M_a_k_e forks only
one shell to execute the commands to re-create a target.
This means that changes of directory, environment, etc.,
remain in effect throughout the creation process. It also
allows for a more natural entry of shell constructs, such as
the ``for'' and ``while'' loops in the Bourne shell, without
the need for backslashes and semi-colons required by the
one-shell-per-command paradigm used by _M_a_k_e. This shouldn't
pose any serious difficulties (or even any trivial ones so
far as I can see), but should, in fact, make life a little
easier. It is, however, possible to have _P_M_a_k_e execute each
command in a single shell by giving it the --BB flag.
Makefile or makefile default input file
/sprite/lib/pmake/sys.mk System makefile (the built-in
PPMMAAKKEE Flags PMake should always use when invoked.
_m_a_k_e(1) for a more complete explanation of the lower-case
flags to _P_M_a_k_e.
make, transformation
Adam de Boor
Sprite v.1.0 4 February 1991 25